Types of Whey Protein
Types of Whey Protein
For decades, whey was considered a waste product and discarded into rivers and lakes. Over the years its fortune has increased and is now considered a valuable supplement. Technological advancements have improved quality and introduced many variations. There are three main forms of whey protein: concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate (or hydrolyzed whey).
Whey Concentrate vs Isolate vs Hydrolysate
Whey protein is a byproduct of cheese production. Milk is made up of two proteins: whey and casein. To make cheese, the proteins are separated. The protein powder we take after a workout starts its journey as a thin, watery liquid. This liquid is processed, and eventually turns into the powder we all love. The amount of processing dictates its final form¹.
Whey Concentrate
After whey is separated from milk, it’s processed further and becomes whey concentrate. Concentrate is made up of 29% to 89% protein¹. Whey concentrate does not go through rigorous filtration and contains some fat, carbohydrates (mainly lactose), and other nutrients² ³.
Whey Isolate
Whey concentrate can be further refined and turned into an isolate. Whey isolate is made up of more than 90% protein. It’s much…